Saturday, February 14, 2015

Algonquins Critical of Quebec's Conflict of Interest with High Risk $4 Million Investment in Rare Earths Open Pit Mining Project

'Eagle Village Chief Madeleine Paul stated today, "We already objected to Quebec's first investment of $1 million in Matamec shares last fall and once again without consulting us, Quebec has invested $3 million more in a joint venture with Matamec. We told the Ministers in a face to face meeting on January 15th that this is a conflict-of-interest and only serves to undermine any trust by our Algonquin Peoples that the BAPE process is unbiased since the results go to the Premier and his Cabinet for a decision and they are in a Joint Venture with Matamec now."'

Ongoing Neotectonic Activity in the Timiskaming ─ Kipawa Area of Ontario and Québec

Yet another reason not to allow mining in the Kipawa watershed.

 "Western Québec Seismic Zone poses a direct risk to infrastructure such as mines"

APTN Investigates Rare Earth


Full Episode

Matamec Announces the Creation of a Joint Venture with Ressources Quebec for the Kipawa Deposit